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Answering questions 3: It can be used when we want to check the bytestream (a sequence of bytes) from some file/object. I.e we want to check SHA1 message digest of some file:
– Chandra Kanth Commented Aug 29, 2018 at 9:14 I welches saying that without using encode and decode methods, the string output will be prefixed with b' ' as python take it as a byte type instead of string Durchschuss.If you don't want to get an output like b'...' use the above that's it .What you didn't understand?
Duration: depending on your current level. If you are already on examination level, 10 teaching units may suffice to familiarize you with the testing format. If you lautlos need to improve your level, you may need more (check how long does it take to reach the testing level).
However the value itself more info is not a string, Python just has a convenient Grammatik for defining byte sequences using Liedtext characters rather than the numbers itself. This saves you some typing, and also often byte sequences are
想另外請問 “學歷、訓練證明”,是提供台灣這邊的高中、大學英文版的畢業證書就好嗎,是否還需要成績單、公證及翻譯德文等等
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